Tag Archives: letter

Seeing Red-The Scarlet(T) Phenomenon.


Scarlet-What is the meaning to you?

“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn”

Rhett Butler Gone with the wind

I am not talking about that Scarlett. Today we are discussing her wicked STEP SISTER. READ ON & FIND OUT.

The color RED is synonymous with PASSION, love, SEX, and a multitude of SINS-haven’t you ever wondered why. Well today’s blog is ABOUT JUST that.


The color RED has many meanings to many CULTURES & here are a few examples:

  • CHINA= COURAGE,loyalty,fortune, and HAPPINESS.
  • JAPAN= Heroic figure,SEXUALITY, and purity.
  • CENTRAL AFRICA= LIFE,health, and in some areas DEATH.

America’s Love/Hate Relationship with RED

In America we have had a long history with the color RED. We have our FLAG, which has had the red stripes since the very beginning in 1777. We have our revered SPORTS TEAMS ie; the RED SOCKS and the Detroit Red Wings.  What I really want to talk about is the EVIL or bad connotation that the color RED has here in the UNITED STATES.


It all started from the root of all EVIL-

(do you hear Austin powers nemesis  Dr. Evil coming out yet?)

Some might say the BIBLE, but as my father would say no one talks about RELIGION or POLITICS amongst company but we can discuss the color RED without bringing up these TWO.


As RED is to Satan, sin is to RED. So let’s discuss the proverbial category of SIN for a moment according to dictionary.com this is the definition of SIN.


1.transgression of divine law: the sin of Adam.
2.any act regarded as such a transgression, especially a willfulor deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle.
3.any reprehensible or regrettable action, behavior, lapse,etc.; great fault or offense: It’s a sin to waste time.
What an UGLY WORD! So closely associated with guilt. RED, should be and has been associated with the LOVE, PASSION, AND SEX. So why do we look at the SINFUL part so closely here. I will tell you why, we have associated ourselves with the guilt and shame of feeling SEXUAL as it is not part of our NATURE. Why must we feel this way? Were we not born to feel beauty? Were we not created to touch, feel, hear and embrace one another?
I really don’t want to go into to much detail about the differences about women and men and how sin is perceived from the sexes, but I will say that this article was inspired by THE SCARLET LETTER  and how RED directly influences our DAILY LIVES.But maybe this week take a look around and see if you notice how red is an integral part OF YOUR LIFE.  BE SCARLET FOR THE WEEK
  1. WEAR RED !
  2. Explore your SEXUAL SIDE.
  3. Don’t be ASHAMED & feel GUILTY.
  4. FIND your passion.
  5. Enjoy ONE ANOTHER!


Gabriella Deveraux-

Author (Erotic for now), Sprite (pixie), and all around lover of all things that have to do with nature and sensuality. She contributes to this blog and her website at http://www.hotlitbooks.com

Her first book HOTEL BETHANY is at http://www.amazon.com and you can find out more author and ordering information on her website at hotlitbooks.com. You can also find her on FACEBOOK AND TWITTER. She is currently working on her second book due out the beginning of April.

TWITTER: gabdeveraux

FACEBOOK: Gabriella Deveraux