Tag Archives: envy

Random Post #004-The Brothers 4


Journal Entry 5/15/2012

The BROTHERS 4, Jealousy-The Green Monster,Envy, Revenge, and Anger!

The Green Monster

Today I write from the perspective of a jealous lover..Can anyone relate?  It’s interesting how jealousy,envy, revenge, and anger are all related in some way.  Jealousy begins so innocently, but he sneaks up on you and can consume you and affect your relationship if you don’t or won’t pay attention.  I will admit I am a terribly jealous person and lover and have been most of my life, but as with anyone I am trying to change and grow but I have set backs but the first step in changing is admitting that you need to and the second is admitting that it is a problem.  I know that JEALOUSY is a problem that runs deep first hand.  Envy he is another monster that is directly related to jealousy, an envious person starts with jealousy and it turns into envy rather quickly.  Being envious of what another person has is directly related to what you DON’T and that my dear friends is JEALOUSY in it’s purest and raw form.   As jealousy and envy sneak into your relationships, revenge makes his move very quietly.  He moves like a NINJA, but when he hits, you will know it!  Unlike his brothers he is out to hurt and destroy everything in his path.  This combined with JEALOUSY and envy can and will make you fucking crazy!  The last brother is ANGER, this one is a little bit more complicated and he has several sides to him, there is the passive, the aggressive, the outright, and the teapot.  The passive is the person that doesn’t really show with their words that they are angry, they show with their actions.  The aggressive, well this person is all up in your face with their anger, they rage quite often and you will definitely know it if they are an aggressive/aggressor.  Well for those of you who don’t know the TEAPOT, let me explain.  This is the one who holds it all in month after month or year after year and then they just snap, they have BOILED OVER, like a TEAPOT and you are the cup that will be filled.  I think out of all the sides I would prefer someone who would be somewhere in the middle of the aggressive and or the passive, definitely not the TEAPOT, you are just waiting and wondering when that boiling point will happen.   Anger will damage your relationships like a tornado, it gathers force, swoops down and ruins everything in it’s path.  What’s the problem you ask with a bit of anger?  The person that is left dealing with the damages, what about them?  Why do they have to constantly clean up the path of destruction?  All of these forces are so damaging to any relationship rather it be of a romantic type or not.  Jealousy affects trust.  Envy changes the dynamics.  Revenge causes retaliation. Anger causes bitterness.  When it comes to the 4 BROTHERS, when they mix it makes for a deadly combination.  So women and men watch yourselves in dealing with one another.  If you have any of the aforementioned issues find out why and handle them together RATIONALLY.  As I have always said communicate with one another otherwise you are headed towards a path you do not want to go down.  Rid yourselves of the 4 BROTHERS!
